Resources This page contains links to various Catholic resources to aid in prayer, spiritual formation, and study.
The Bible The New American Bible is the translation used during Mass. You can find it online here.
The Catechism The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the official document that explains all Catholic beliefs. Prayerful study of the Catechism is vital to proper Catholic formation. You can find the full Catechism here. The Compendium (summary version) is here. If you wish to search for a particular phrase, this tool is invaluable.
The GIRM The General Instruction of the Roman Missal is the official Church document that contains the full instructions for the Mass. Among other things, it settles all disputes about what is or is not appropriate during Mass. You can find it here.
The Holy See The Vatican's website is here. You'll find news, encyclicals, official documents, and much more.
The USCCB The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is the official organization of the Catholic hierarchy in the U.S. They govern and set policy for the Church in the United States. You can find their website here.
The Rosary The Rosary is a beautiful and traditional Catholic devotion dedicated to Mary the Mother of God. It's perfect for family prayer. This page explains how to pray it.